Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Super Swagg??!!

Hello everyone!! This week's blog topic is exceptionally random but I think it should be fun... Super Heros! Haha, yeah I can feel it slipping away, all of my cool points that took me years to build. But never the less, I feel this topic deserves some discussion for a few very important reasons! One, people of all nations, ethnic groups, and religions are recently becoming more fascinated by these fictional characters who all represent a common theme: fighting for the good of humanity! Two, regardless of how "nerdy" comic books and heroes have been painted out to be in society, even the coolest kid in the back of the school bus would love to have a super power, if he could gain one. And last but not least, super heroes are awesome!

Therefore, this blog will feature two main topics: What is it that makes these stories about super powered beings so interesting? And what would CocoFuego's "super power" be if I could choose any one that I could think of? Sit tight, or else I might have to get my henchmen to hack your computer and force you to watch YouTube videos of "Rebecca Black" singing for ten hours straight!! Muwahahahahahah!!!

First things first, what makes these characters so incredibly interesting? Even grandma's know who Batman is these days! Well one thing I learned about the process of creating these common characters and stories, in a class I took about 'leadership,' is that they all follow a certain pattern. Yes it's true, there is actually a science behind writing these tales which dates back over many many centuries... Not to get too deeply into the details, but basically every hero in a story has to follow a certain path, which is similar to what we humans face in many of our everyday lives. One element of that path is a challenge bigger than they should be able accomplish... For some of us that challenge is passing a math quiz, while for Superman it is taking down a fleet of heavily armed robots (I'd say the challenge is about the same).

In addition to the challenge, there must also be a "main villain," which in our math class scenario would be that 'dog on' teacher who likes to speak an alien language instead of simply saying "You add this to this, subtract this from that, and you get this"!!!!...Grrrrrr... *breathes deeply and sighs*... So we have our "challenge" and our "villain", next for our story we need a "companion" (this would be the "geek kid" who knows all the answers), to help us as we accomplish the challenge that we face.

After these main keys to the story are in place (excluding other factors such as an love interest), there is obviously the ending (which is you passing the test after hours of studying with "geek kid"/ or Superman smashing the Robot King to bits). Endings are usually open ended; which reflects our lives as always continuing (this explains why the bad guy always gets away)! And this my friends, is called the "Hero's Journey scenario," and basically any story that you will see that represents heroism will follow this common path or plot line...

*I know... I just blew your mind.*

This is why super hero's are interesting to us, they represent every human to an extent, and they give us hope to believe that if Batman can stop Joker from detonating a factory full of nuclear gas, then we should be able to deal with our annoying boss at work, corrupt government officials, nosy parents, and even spoiled children. They represent hope, which for many of us in our chaos filled world is not always so obviously shining forth.

So now the good part.. What would my super power be if I could choose one?.... I think I'd have to go with electricity! I don't know if you guys have ever heard of "Static Shock" but that kid makes electricity powers look mad useful. Of course I would come up with my own ways to implement these powers.... Such as, causing my microphone to glow while I'm rapping, or over heating a co-workers coffee (ouch did that burrrnnn??). Better not give me super powers, I'd probably be a Tyrant haha.

Well that's all for this week! If you'd like to share some of your own ideas for your super powers or to make comments about this week's blog, hit me up on Twitter (twitter.com/cocofuego) and use the hash tag #SuperSwag, or leave a comment on my Facebook wall (facebook.com/welovecocofuego)! Who know's if you have an interesting enough of a comment maybe i'll shout you out in my upcoming Youtube video *wink*...

Until next time, Adios!

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