Oh boy... Looks like i've got some more writing to do.. Well I might as well get started.. Bienvinedo! (That means 'welcome!' in Espanol =p) .. This is my first real blog post ever. Sooo let me introduce myself super quickly..
My name is Corey, I'm 22 years old, and I grew up in the means streets of Detroit!
I am currently in school at Washtenaw Community College studying guitar, vocal training, and songwriting.. I also write lyrics, create electronic instrumental compositions (BEATS), and record audio for myself as well as other working artist.
Welll.... That's about all there is I want to reveal about myself right now.. Muawhahaaha....
So yeah.. Welcome to my blog. I will be updating it frequently as I often have alot to say and I can't say EVERYTHING on the mic. So this is where I'll be getting things out. Don't worry I'm more of a shrink than a patient so don't look forward to many gun toting rants.
Hopefully this blog will bring some insight into the mind of "CocoFuego" and you will get to know me alot better.. BTW i'll be posting new material on this blog as well... So yeah make sure you keep checking my website www.cocofuego.com as all blog updates will be avaliable there first, right on the homepage, just one click away... mmm mm good thats a deal.. Until next time! Adios.
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