Monday, January 21, 2013

I have a dream...

Hey everyone, Happy Marthin Luther King Jr. day! Today's blog will just pay homage to Dr. MLK, recognizing what it is he stood for, and how he helped to make everything I do a possibility.

How many people know what it's like to have a dream? I'm sure 99% of you reading this has had a dream in one point of time. Most of us do our dreaming while we are young because "everything is possible" when we aren't old enough to understand limits. If you are over the age of 16 and you still have a dream that you follow (not just because society tells you to do it, or your parents force you to have it), but because its something burning in your heart to achieve; you are one of the rare few.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. receives recognition on this day, not because he was a modern day Messiah or Moses, but because of the ideas that were burning from deep within him, beyond what many people could comprehend at his day and age. As Abraham was the father of faith because be believed God, Dr. King was the father of dreams.

He had no way of seeing the impact his dreams would have on the world, but because he trusted his "gut," he was able to follow after notions that were not only controversial in his day, but worthy of costing him his life. But that's the thing about dreams, they aren't limited to life or death, sleep or awake, slave or free, they stretch far beyond the limits we humans create for ourselves in every day life.

Whether you are rich or poor, white or black, hispanic or asian, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. should set a standard for the way you approach your goals, relationships, and interactions with fellow mankind. If you will just ignore your limitations on what "society" tells you that you can achieve, and follow after the dreams that God has placed in your heart, you can be more than just another spec of sand waiting to be washed away along the shores of our finite mortality.

Today I challenge you to pursue your dreams; to stand up for justice, peace, love, and equality. Because you never know, maybe you are the next big change that this world has been waiting to see. If someone tells you that something you hope to achieve is impossible, just tell them, yes but aren't all dreams impossible until they come true?

Thanks for reading this...

Until next time, Adios!

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